
Dainton Park Golf Club

Entrant List for Seniors 3 Man Bowmaker - (2 to count) - Tier 3

84 players have been signed up for this competition as of 7:29 AM Sunday 22nd December

Robert Abel (16.6)
Ferai Akyol (30.1)
David Allott (13.1)
James Barrett (13.8)
Roy Bartlett (25.5)
Andrew Bell (27.8)
Alan Bowden (14.3)
Jack Bowman (32.0)
David Bray (21.7)
Terry Buckingham (17.5)
Roger Carpenter (12.3)
Robert Cassidy (15.2)
Chris Chisholm (15.6)
Bob Clark (18.8)
Tony Clements (22.6)
Martin Connelly (12.6)
Mark Creedy (12.3)
Patrick Darch (10.1)
Martyn Darke (19.1)
Antony David (18.2)
David Davison (28.2)
Toby Downer (21.8)
Mark Eastman (20.4)
Wolf Engelmann (14.9)
Julian Farrell (20.0)
Steve Fishburn (18.7)
Ian Fisher (40.2)
Roger Graham (37.0)
Stuart Grant-Allen (21.3)
Peter Gregson (12.8)
Graham Harris (28.5)
Patrick Hastings (17.0)
Patrick Hastings (Ghost) (18.5)
Patrick Hastings (Ghost) (18.5)
Patrick Hastings (Ghost) (18.5)
Patrick Hastings (Ghost) (18.5)
Gary Hooper (19.4)
Graham Hunt (20.4)
Steven Hunter (11.5)
Martin Jones (21.5)
Christopher Jupe (23.6)
Tony Landau (15.8)
Melvyn Langdon (14.3)
James Lavelle (7.4)
Colin Locker (14.8)
Ray Lott (20.4)
David McPhee (13.3)
Martyn Milford (15.8)
James Miller (15.3)
Richard Mitchell (23.9)
Terry Moon (14.6)
Roger Newcombe (11.4)
Nick Nicholson (22.5)
John Norrish (14.8)
Michael OSullivan (23.5)
Graham Parkinson (25.1)
Martyn Pendlebury (27.6)
Steve Porter (23.6)
Anthony Procter (19.9)
John Ridge (15.5)
David Ripping (35.7)
John Rosslee (10.9)
Christopher Rowe (17.7)
Gary Runham (17.2)
Robert Sears (25.5)
Robert Seaton (16.5)
David Simpson (25.6)
Derrick Singleton (19.0)
Andy Smith (12.1)
John Strainge (23.2)
Pete Symes (4.7)
Paul Taylor (21.5)
Terry Taylor (17.1)
Geoff Tew (18.4)
Steve Tunks (18.8)
Stephen Uppington (17.9)
John Van Kuyk (23.6)
Roger Ward (23.5)
Richard Webb (11.2)
Eddie Whitman (36.3)
John Williams (17.4)
Phil Wiltshire (26.3)
Stuart Witheridge (14.8)
Andrew Wotton (18.1)

Back to Seniors 3 Man Bowmaker - (2 to count) - Tier 3

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